Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday night "God" party in Miami

This is a group of young, church-drop-out, 20-something single Christians gather on a back patio in Miami with a group of truth seeking young agnostics and new age seekers to discuss God, the scriptures, ethics and morality.

we had a good time last night ... conversations continued after our serious discussion about authenticity, integrity, and transparency. You have to listen closely to the background conversation between Ruth (the girl in the white sweater) and her friends.


Marquito said...

The new face of the body of Christ.

Joseph Holbrook said...

yes ... not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing ... I really do occasionally have mixed feelings. What do you think?

Marquito said...

I think it's a good thing as long as we don't arbitrarily dismiss the value of gathering as a community of believers to worship our God.

I also think it's good because we need to shatter the perception that "church" is something that we do, and we only do it on Sundays and Wednesdays. Church is not something we do, it's who we are. The word church is infused with revolution, energy, community, and life. We've just done a piss-poor job of keeping those aspects of it alive.

As the body of Christ, we need to be the body, all the time.

Joseph Holbrook said...

keep in mind that almost all of the young people coming to my back patio group are unchurched ... in other words, Tuesday night is the only exposure they get to scripture or conversation about Christ. Going to a Sunday morning worship is not an option for most of them... half of them are not even believers, or at least are not at all strong believers.

Marquito said...

As a forum for people to have deeper conversation about spiritual things, your back porch is awesome. It is even a great place to start shattering false perceptions about the church.

More Christians need to do what you are doing on your back porch (holding these meetings I mean :)).