Saturday, July 25, 2009

How is the Spirit moving these days?

Many of you may disagree with me, and thats alright. But I think I am seeing a new way that the Spirit is moving in the world and in people's hearts lately. Please watch it all the way to the end for the full effect. Watch it with your heart and discern what the Spirit is blessing. Check it out:

The Spirit used to move mostly in church, or at least that is my impression. I suspect the Spirit has always moved far more frequently and dramatically outside the church than we ever knew. After, it is the Spirit through which Christ holds all things together with his word (Col) and it is the Spirit who not only ordered the universe (Genesis 1) but probably operationally manages it. I believe the Spirit is always at work in social settings ... like the one in the reality show above. I often sense the Spirit working through the popular Radio Show called Delilah, for example. (In Miami after 7 pm on 97.3)

Stop looking for the Spirit only in church meetings (my impression is that he does not go there much anymore, but I really don't know since I don't go either) and start looking for his initiative all around you, Monday through Saturday in the mundane world. You will be amazed....


Joseph Holbrook said...

I just played this for my wife and my youngest daughter -- kleenix time!

Again, I urge you to watch it to the end ... the last woman who comments pulls it all together.

steve H said...

I will watch this with my wife.

I am not able to say much about the dance. I am not sensitive enough to the message in dances. I did "feel" the caring and sensitive and man's desire to help and carry the woman along.

Obviously, by the comments it made a huge impact on those who better understand what dance communicates. And I certainly have some feel for what it must have said to you and your family.

I agree fully that the Spirit moves outside the church -- far more than we are aware. I could not discern how much this video was a working of the Holy Spirit and how much a manifestation of the human spirit. It may not matter since the best manifestations of the human spirit are expressions of the Creating and Ruling Spirit -- whether deliberately so or not.